Health Harmony Assistance is a non-profit corporation, started September 14th,
2000, for the purpose of providing health assistance (physical,
mental, emotional, spiritual) to people and animals in the
US and abroad. Our volunteer staff is headed by executive
director, Bonnie Masi, and includes more than 35 staff members
each trained in various people/animals skills. These
include Tellington Touch, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Psychotherapy,
Hypnotherapy, Massage, Intuitive Healing, Animal Communication,
Pet Sitting, Touch for Health, Music Therapy, Registered Nurse,
Meditation, Journeying, Speech Pathology, Spiritual Ministry,
someone who provides help for the elderly with things they
can no longer do but that brightens their world (window washing,
chores, gardening), carpentry and construction.
Nancy Bennett Benefit Project 2012
June 20th, 2012, Nancy Bennett was admitted for emergency, life-saving, surgery in Port Angeles, WA. They found a tumor had perforated her bowel, did the extensive repairs, and she now has an ileostomy bag which she’ll have the rest of her life. She spent over 2 weeks in the hospital and currently has to return to the hospital 2 times a day for wound care. The doctors have said she needs to take it very easy for 4 months to try and heal, plus regain energy and strength. The care for her ileostomy will be ongoing, even after the wound heals. Nancy has no insurance to cover all these medical costs, plus being unable to work for at least 4 months.
HHA is fundraising for Nancy and 100% of all donations will go to her. Please send all donations to Health Harmony Assistance, 429 Harrison Street, Port Townsend WA 98363. Nancy is very grateful for any and all assistance.
for New Board Members: Health Harmony Assistance is seeking
new Board Members that
are skilled in business and versed in
the dynamics of a non-profit organization. We need members
that have the time and share the passion for our projects.
For more information and to become a part of Health Harmony
Assistance contact Bonnie Masi,
 Our vision for Eagle’s Loft Retreat shifted from a large center in the NW to a smaller tropical setting. Eagle’s Loft non-profit retreats, for disadvantaged youth and adults, would be one to two week’s long and be held at Dolphin Harmony.
Dolphin Harmony will be a for-profit retreat and home of Bonnie Masi (Executive Director of Health Harmony Assistance). Dolphin Harmony is still in its formative stages so HHA’s retreat center projects will be for the future, but are coming!
Eagle’s Loft/Dolphin Harmony Retreat sampling:
- Arts - watercolors, music
therapy, drumming, dance
- Alternative
and conventional healing modalities – massage,
homeopathy, relaxation techniques
- Guided imagery, meditation,
writing, storytelling
- Nature hikes, kayaking, fishing, swimming
- Study of local plants
and preparation of tropical fruits and vegetables (plantain,
yucca, chayote)
- Tellington Touch (the gentle way to address
physical and behavioral issues), no-kill shelters and
foster services for needy animal
- Respite for professionals or any workers
needing space and quiet time with an option of attending
or just
spending time in nature and self-reflection
was federally approved as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in July
(state of Washington approved us as of 9/14/00).
Contact us if you wish to apply for an individual
project. (Currently we are full for our group, larger projects.)
All applications are reviewed and voted on by the HHA Board
of Directors for approval. Applicants are then notified and
information is posted on the website, as agreed on by the Board
and applicant.
Robinson’s application for HHA was approved by
the Board of Directors, March 2006, for funding help with medical
supplements, health care and promotion of her creative art
and writing projects.
Spatola’s application for HHA was approved June
2006 to assist with mental health needs, some living expenses
and to raise funds for her to complete her Massage Therapy
classes. Her wish is to “to feel healthy, help others
and be self-supporting”.
HHA volunteer members provided Diana with emotional support,
counseling, occasional meals, showers and a place to rest and
heal. She has relocated from Port Townsend to Mount Shasta,
CA, and is doing well – better mentally and emotionally – still
hoping to complete her Massage Therapy training in the future.
to Health Harmony Assistance
on about Health Harmony Assistance.....
are continually seeking donations (100% tax deductible)
- Hiring
grant writers, marketers and fundraisers.
- Travel
expenses for us to travel to those in need or for them
to come to us.
- Supplies
for day programs with youth and animals (in art, nature,
movement, sound, healing, physical and behavioral issues)
- Property
and establishment of Eagle’s Loft Retreat.
addition to Donations, we are looking for volunteers
that may be retired or have
time to offer help/skill with grant writing, marketing,
and fundraising. $25 membership fee per
year is a tax deductible donation showing you support our
efforts to provide care to those in need that lack the
funding to seek it for themselves. Any member can give
us input or suggestions for future projects.
Donations for
Health Harmony Assistance will go towards: transportation to/from necessary
areas, living expenses (food/lodging/transportation), any special supplies
needed for a project including health care supplements/necessities,
and minimal compensation for time involved by provider. Expenses
can be for animal/people in need to travel to assistance or for staff
travel to them.
Please contact us for more
information about projects which have benefited so many people and
Contact us, email Bonnie
with any questions -