McMillen, owner of Bailey Creek Pondscapes, was suddenly
stricken with a severe and little known disease called Guillain-Barre
Syndrome (GBS). GBS is a neurological disorder, which is
triggered by a microbial infection. The body’s immune
system over reacts and begins to attack the protective sheath
of the peripheral nervous system. Within one day Robin was
paralyzed in his arms and legs, and transported to Virginia
Mason Hospital in Seattle.
The vast majority of patients make
a full or near-full recovery, but it can take several months
to a year for full functioning
to be restored. This long, difficult process can take its toll
on even the most resourceful people. Robin is now in rehab
at Kah Tai Care Center in Port Townsend, WA. He has yet to
motion in his arms and legs, and longs for the day when he
can use his body for building, sailing, camping and flying
control airplanes with his sons.
Help raise funds
for this much loved father of two, stone mason, builder, dreamer,
and inspiration to many.
Contribute Today !

fundraiser has taken place at Health Harmony Assistance which
raised $2000 toward Robin's care expenses. However, Robin's
expenses are ongoing and he could use our help. You can make
donations to him by sending checks to Health Harmony Assistance
and specifying in a note that it is for the Robin McMillen
Harmony Assistance
429 Harrison St.
Port Townsend WA 98368